I will be the first to admit that oftentimes, my attention is more focused on the future or the past, than it is on the present. I cannot begin to count the number of times people have told me that it looked like my mind was somewhere else, off in space, maybe. While it is important to care about your future and to remember your past so that you can learn and grow from it, the most important thing you can do is focus on the present moment.
Benefits of living in the present:
– Decreases excessive worry and anxiety, while allowing more time and energy for joy and happiness
– Makes you more aware of your surroundings
– Helps to create better communication skills, such as active listening and eye contact
– You get to observe more about yourself such as your attitude, perspective, actions, and feelings
– Allows you to be more at peace with yourself and others so that happiness may flourish
And finally, it’s the only moment that you’re guaranteed to have. Why not make the best of it? Why not turn disadvantages into advantages? Living in the present is freedom and above all, it is absolutely necessary for internal peace.
More coming soon…

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